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Artículos científicos


Soft tissue integration of different abutment surfaces: an experimental study with histological analysis

May 2021

Abstract Objective To evaluate whether abutment surface and surface bio-activation has an effect on soft tissue morphogenesis. Materials and Methods 36 patients (36 implants) were included. Abutments were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=9): Smooth Surface – MAChined (MAC), Ultrathin Threaded Microsurface (UTM), MAC Plasma of Argon activated (Plasma MAC), UTM Plasma of Argon activated (Plasma UTM). After 2 months of healing, soft tissue samples were collected and prepared for histological analysis. The margin of the peri-implant mucosa (PM), the apical extension of the barrier epithelium (aJE), the apical location of the abutment (AM) were identified. Significances of differences among groups were tested by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test, and between pairs of results by means of the Mann-Whitney test. Results The mean (SD) vertical dimension of the mucosa was 2.5mm (1.0), including a connective tissue portion (CTP) of 0.8mm (0.8) in the MAC group; 3.6mm (0.2) with a CTP of 1.6mm (0.4) in the Plasma-MAC group; 3.2mm (1.0), with a CPT of 0.5mm (0.6) in the UTM; 3.3mm (0.8), with a CPT of 0.9mm (0.7) in the Plasma-UTM group. Statistically significant differences were observed in the aJE-AM height and PM-aJE profile among the four experimental groups (P=0.042 and P=0.039, respectively). The Mann-Whitney test indicated differences between the Plasma-abutments and the untreated abutments both for PM-AM (p=0.025) and AjE-AM (p=0.021). The differences appeared more evident when the preoperative soft tissue thickness was ≤2mm. Conclusions Within its limits, the study demonstrated a favorable effect of the plasma treatment on the connective tissue portion tissues. Plasma MAC group highlighted the best performance. This behavior appeared strictly correlated to the soft tissue thickness. Luigi Canullo, David Penarrocha, Paolo Pesce, Cristina Zarauz, Rossano Lattanzio, Miguel Penarrocha, Giovanna Iezzi. View Prevalence of maxillary sinus alterations after zygomatic surgery. A comparative study between intra-sinus and ZAGA approaches. May 2021 Zygomatic implant (ZI) is an option of the edentulism. Complications associated with ZI are maxillary sinusitis and soft tissue recession. The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA), reduce the complications of the Original zygomatic intra-sinus Surgical technique (OI-ST). P.Clarós 1, N. Końska 2, P. Clarós-Pujol 3, D. Clarós-Pujol 3, J. Sentís 4, A. Clarós 1, M. Peñarrocha-Diago 5, C. Aparicio 6 1 Clarós Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID No: (Pedro Clarós 0000-0002-7567-0370, Andrés Clarós 0000-0001-6084-3470). 2 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Stefan Zeromski Specialist Hospital, Cracow, Poland; Scholarship in Clarós Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. 3 Clarós Dental Clinics, Barcelona, Spain. 4 Department of Public Health (Statistics), School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 5 Professor of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Valencia, Spain. 6 Hepler Bone Clinic, ZAGA Center Barcelona, Spain.


Soft tissue integration of different abutment surfaces: an experimental study with histological analysis

May 2021

Abstract Objective To evaluate whether abutment surface and surface bio-activation has an effect on soft tissue morphogenesis. Materials and Methods 36 patients (36 implants) were included. Abutments were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=9): Smooth Surface – MAChined (MAC), Ultrathin Threaded Microsurface (UTM), MAC Plasma of Argon activated (Plasma MAC), UTM Plasma of Argon activated (Plasma UTM). After 2 months of healing, soft tissue samples were collected and prepared for histological analysis. The margin of the peri-implant mucosa (PM), the apical extension of the barrier epithelium (aJE), the apical location of the abutment (AM) were identified. Significances of differences among groups were tested by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test, and between pairs of results by means of the Mann-Whitney test. Results The mean (SD) vertical dimension of the mucosa was 2.5mm (1.0), including a connective tissue portion (CTP) of 0.8mm (0.8) in the MAC group; 3.6mm (0.2) with a CTP of 1.6mm (0.4) in the Plasma-MAC group; 3.2mm (1.0), with a CPT of 0.5mm (0.6) in the UTM; 3.3mm (0.8), with a CPT of 0.9mm (0.7) in the Plasma-UTM group. Statistically significant differences were observed in the aJE-AM height and PM-aJE profile among the four experimental groups (P=0.042 and P=0.039, respectively). The Mann-Whitney test indicated differences between the Plasma-abutments and the untreated abutments both for PM-AM (p=0.025) and AjE-AM (p=0.021). The differences appeared more evident when the preoperative soft tissue thickness was ≤2mm. Conclusions Within its limits, the study demonstrated a favorable effect of the plasma treatment on the connective tissue portion tissues. Plasma MAC group highlighted the best performance. This behavior appeared strictly correlated to the soft tissue thickness. Luigi Canullo, David Penarrocha, Paolo Pesce, Cristina Zarauz, Rossano Lattanzio, Miguel Penarrocha, Giovanna Iezzi. View Prevalence of maxillary sinus alterations after zygomatic surgery. A comparative study between intra-sinus and ZAGA approaches. May 2021 Zygomatic implant (ZI) is an option of the edentulism. Complications associated with ZI are maxillary sinusitis and soft tissue recession. The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA), reduce the complications of the Original zygomatic intra-sinus Surgical technique (OI-ST). P.Clarós 1, N. Końska 2, P. Clarós-Pujol 3, D. Clarós-Pujol 3, J. Sentís 4, A. Clarós 1, M. Peñarrocha-Diago 5, C. Aparicio 6 1 Clarós Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID No: (Pedro Clarós 0000-0002-7567-0370, Andrés Clarós 0000-0001-6084-3470). 2 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Stefan Zeromski Specialist Hospital, Cracow, Poland; Scholarship in Clarós Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. 3 Clarós Dental Clinics, Barcelona, Spain. 4 Department of Public Health (Statistics), School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 5 Professor of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Valencia, Spain. 6 Hepler Bone Clinic, ZAGA Center Barcelona, Spain.


Soft tissue integration of different abutment surfaces: an experimental study with histological analysis

May 2021

Abstract Objective To evaluate whether abutment surface and surface bio-activation has an effect on soft tissue morphogenesis. Materials and Methods 36 patients (36 implants) were included. Abutments were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=9): Smooth Surface – MAChined (MAC), Ultrathin Threaded Microsurface (UTM), MAC Plasma of Argon activated (Plasma MAC), UTM Plasma of Argon activated (Plasma UTM). After 2 months of healing, soft tissue samples were collected and prepared for histological analysis. The margin of the peri-implant mucosa (PM), the apical extension of the barrier epithelium (aJE), the apical location of the abutment (AM) were identified. Significances of differences among groups were tested by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test, and between pairs of results by means of the Mann-Whitney test. Results The mean (SD) vertical dimension of the mucosa was 2.5mm (1.0), including a connective tissue portion (CTP) of 0.8mm (0.8) in the MAC group; 3.6mm (0.2) with a CTP of 1.6mm (0.4) in the Plasma-MAC group; 3.2mm (1.0), with a CPT of 0.5mm (0.6) in the UTM; 3.3mm (0.8), with a CPT of 0.9mm (0.7) in the Plasma-UTM group. Statistically significant differences were observed in the aJE-AM height and PM-aJE profile among the four experimental groups (P=0.042 and P=0.039, respectively). The Mann-Whitney test indicated differences between the Plasma-abutments and the untreated abutments both for PM-AM (p=0.025) and AjE-AM (p=0.021). The differences appeared more evident when the preoperative soft tissue thickness was ≤2mm. Conclusions Within its limits, the study demonstrated a favorable effect of the plasma treatment on the connective tissue portion tissues. Plasma MAC group highlighted the best performance. This behavior appeared strictly correlated to the soft tissue thickness. Luigi Canullo, David Penarrocha, Paolo Pesce, Cristina Zarauz, Rossano Lattanzio, Miguel Penarrocha, Giovanna Iezzi. View Prevalence of maxillary sinus alterations after zygomatic surgery. A comparative study between intra-sinus and ZAGA approaches. May 2021 Zygomatic implant (ZI) is an option of the edentulism. Complications associated with ZI are maxillary sinusitis and soft tissue recession. The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA), reduce the complications of the Original zygomatic intra-sinus Surgical technique (OI-ST). P.Clarós 1, N. Końska 2, P. Clarós-Pujol 3, D. Clarós-Pujol 3, J. Sentís 4, A. Clarós 1, M. Peñarrocha-Diago 5, C. Aparicio 6 1 Clarós Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID No: (Pedro Clarós 0000-0002-7567-0370, Andrés Clarós 0000-0001-6084-3470). 2 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Stefan Zeromski Specialist Hospital, Cracow, Poland; Scholarship in Clarós Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. 3 Clarós Dental Clinics, Barcelona, Spain. 4 Department of Public Health (Statistics), School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 5 Professor of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Valencia, Spain. 6 Hepler Bone Clinic, ZAGA Center Barcelona, Spain.
